Zatch Bell!
Zatch Bell!
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Zofis' Evil Desires

Japanese title
Kanji 撃破せよ! 邪悪なるゾフィスの野望
Rōmaji Gekihaseyo! Jaaku Naru Zofisu no Yabō
Translation Defeat It! Evil Zofis' Ambitions
Season 2
Episode # 69
Arc Ancient Mamodo Arc
Japanese airdate August 15, 2004
English airdate October 7, 2006
Episode guide
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Previous episode Tia's Plan to Confess!
Next episode The Four Supreme Mamodo!

Zofis' Evil Desires (撃破せよ! 邪悪なるゾフィスの野望 Gekihaseyo! Jaaku Naru Zofisu no Yabō, lit. "Defeat It! Evil Zofis' Ambitions") is the sixty-ninth episode of Zatch Bell!/Konjiki no Gash Bell!! anime and the ninteenth episode of Season 2.


Kiyo, Zatch, Megumi, Tia, Folgore, Kanchomé, Sunbeam, Ponygon, Dr. Riddles, Kido, Wonrei and Li-en begin their infiltration into the Devolo Ruins. The team manages to avoid the guards in the front and enter their way into the ruins. In the maze of the ruins, Kanchome is noticed by two Mamodo guards, and they pursue the team. The team manage to find the stairs out of the maze and Kiyo uses "Zakeru" to seal the exit to the stairs. The team finds three Mamodos waiting for them and easily burn their books. They continue their pursuit, but Kiyo realizes it seems too easy. They end up in a room full of molten magma, and the only safe way to cross is a narrow stairway. While crossing, Zofis appears and begins to attack the structure supporting the stairs.

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