Zatch Bell!
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The Roar of Rao Diboren!

Japanese title
Kanji 愛すればこそ...うなれ哀しみの猛虎爆裂拳
Rōmaji Ai sureba koso... Unare Kanashimi no Raou Dibauren
Translation If I Love You... The Sorrowful Roar of Raou Dibauren
Season 2
Episode # 71
Arc Ancient Mamodo Arc
Chapter(s) 131-133
Japanese airdate August 29, 2004
English airdate November 25, 2006
Episode guide
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Previous episode The Four Supreme Mamodo!
Next episode Sing for Your Lives! The Terrible Belgim E.O.

The Roar of Rao Diboren! is the seventy first episode of Zatch Bell!/Konjiki no Gash Bell!! anime and the twenty first episode of Season 2.


Wonrei tells everyone to stay back, while he prepares to fight alone. Megumi attempts to use "Giga Ra Seushiru" to deflect Tsao-Lon's attack, but Tsao-Lon's attack breaks through the barrier and injures Megumi and Tia. Wonrei is overpowered by Tsaoron and Genso and attempts to use "Raou Dibauren". Tsaoron's attack breaks through "Raou Dibauren" and heads towards Li-en, Megumi, and Tia. Wonrei blocks the attack with his body. Li-en attempts to cast another spell, but she realizes she does not have the energy to do so. Megumi uses "Saifojio" and Tia throws it through Li-en and Wonrei and heals them both. Wonrei uses "Raou Dibauren" and burns Tsao-Lon's book. Gensou and Wonrei battle and Wonrei is the victor, powered by his determination to protect everyone.

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