Zatch Bell!
Zatch Bell!
Zatch Bell!
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The Idol vs. the Schoolgirl!

Japanese title
Kanji ライバルはアイドル 恋の火花 鈴芽の勝利??
Rōmaji Raibaru ha Aidoru Koi no Hibana Suzume no Shōri??
Translation Rival Idol. The Spark of Love. Suzume's Victory??
Season 3
Episode # 104
Arc Faudo Arc
Chapter(s) 168
Japanese airdate April 24, 2004
English airdate December 6, 2008
Episode guide
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Previous episode Ted's Blues: The Girl in the Wind
Next episode Q Attack! Q Ultimate Transformation? My Name is Koral Q

The Idol vs. the Schoolgirl! is the one hundred and fourth episode of Zatch Bell!/Konjiki no Gash Bell!! anime and the fourth episode of Season 3.


Kiyo receives a letter from Kafk Sunbeam who tells him that he has bought and moved into a home near Kiyo's house. Kiyo decides to go buy Sunbeam a house-warming gift at the department store and Zatch decides to invite some friends to the department store also. Suzy Mizuno meets Kiyo and Tia and is shocked by the appearance of Megumi and how close she is to Kiyo. She interrogates Kiyo and his relationship with Megumi by using a lie detector on him. She learns Kiyo and Megumi are close and is dismayed at the fact they share a secret. At Sunbeam's house, Suzy tries to show her qualities to Kiyo but end up causing a disaster every time. On television, the mysterious structure has disappeared and Kiyo, Megumi, and Sunbeam believe it is related the structure is related to the Mamodo world. As they eat Suzy's cooked food, they become overwhelmed by its disgusting taste.

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  • N/A



  • This is the last episode officially dubbed in English