Zatch Bell!
Zatch Bell!

Faudo Cult Mamodo Team
Riya Alishie
リーヤ Rīya アリシエ Arishie
Mamodo Partner
Age: Most Likely around 6-10 Most Likely around 17-21
Gender: Male Male
English Actor: N/A N/A
Japanese Actor: Kotono Mitsuishi Tomokazu Seki
Mamodo Team Stats
The Parakeet Green Book
Book Burned In Episode 148 And In Chapter 230.
Debut Episode: 131
Debut Chapter: 197
Book Burned By: Zaruchim and Raushin Mo (Manga)
Zeno Bell and Dufort (Anime)

Riya (リーヤ Rīya) and Alishie (アリシエ Arishie) are a major supporting team during the Faudo Arc. They placed 22nd of the 100 mamodo in the battle.



Even after being cursed by Riou, Alishie refuses to join Riou but is forced to do so when Raushin kidnaps a child from his village and threatened to kill him if Alishie did not comply.



Alishie (アリシエ Arishie) is a teenager from an African village whom Zaruchimu was sent to recruit for Faudo's revival. He, along with his mamodo partner Riya (リーヤ Rīya), were escorted by Riou to Faudo where they remained until running into Zatch Bell and Kiyo Takamine.

Part I[]

Alishie is first seen when Kiyo, Zatch and the others were recuperating after their battle with Keith and Cherish. He is at first skeptical that Faudo could be sent back to the mamodo world after being revived but seeing Zatch's determination, agrees to help. Aleshie is a great help to the team, providing information concerning the mamodo in Faudo and Faudo himself. Together, the group travels to Faudo's control room - the brain but meets several obstacles. Despite the many obstacles, the group are able to activate the device to send Faudo back to the mamodo world. However, after their plan to send Faudo to the Kermadec Trench fails, Riou makes Japan the first destination for Faudo's rampage and the group are forced to enter Faudo once again to stop him. The group encounters Zaruchim,Fango,Riya and Aleshie cooperates with Kafk Sunbeam and Ponygon to defeat the pair. They manage to win the battle after a considerable amount of effort but Zaruchim, who had been playing dead during their battle with Fango after being hit by Riya's "Go Amuruk", sought to make Aleshie taste true humiliation, having held a grudge against him because he could not believe that a mere human could instill fear in him, prepares to finish Aleshie off with his ultimate spell after Aleshie charges blindly at him out of rage, having anticipated this movement. Riya, however, intervenes, having anticipated Aleshie's action as well. Riya tells Aleshie that after spending so much time with him, he already knew that Aleshie would throw his life away to attack Zaruchim like the time they were recruited to revive Faudo but he could not let Aleshie die, as Aleshie meant everything to him, the strong, fun and kind Aleshie who would always protect the people of his village. Riya's interference causes a huge explosion, resulting in Riya's book being burnt. Before being sent back to the demon world, Riya asks Aleshie if he had protected him which Aleshie answers yes. Riya tells Aleshie that he is happy that he (Riya) could protect him since it was always him (Aleshie) that protected the village and himself (Riya), alone. Aleshie thanks Riya for the final time before breaking down. Riya breaks down as well but tells Zatch to become a warrior in his place and protect Aleshie and his village, stating that he would never forgive him if Aleshie were to cry. Zatch promises Riya that and Riya finally fades away. In the anime, however, Riya survives his battle with Zaruchim as Ted comes to aid them after his interference. His book, instead, is burnt by Zeno after he tries to protect Zatch. Aleshie continues to aid the others in stopping Faudo even after Riya's book was burnt. He was asked to stay with Li-en and an unconscious Kiyo since he had lost his mamodo and could not battle. He is evacuated along with Li-en and their presence scares Iwashima and Yamanaka, since they seemingly appeared out of nowhere. After witnessing Zatch's "Bao", Aleshie returns to his village and is seen again, praying hard for Zatch's victory against Clear. Riya appears again to aid Zatch in his final battle with Clear, along with Rops, Karudio, Sugino, Momon and Purio. One month after Zatch becomes king, Riya is shown dancing with Yoppopo, Baltro and Zoboron.

They prove to be a useful group in the of taking down Faudo. When Riya's book was burned, he wanted Zatch to become a powerful warrior in his position and protect Aleshie and his village. Aleshie is a tough hand-to-hand fighter who is also strategic, quick-witted, and fearless. Aleshie is even strong enough to brawl with mamodo and support huge loads, which is demonstrated when he saves a few kids from a huge crashing boulder. Aleshie demonstrates his strength once again when he battles Zaruchim even after receiving Riou's curse whereas a human with Riou's Curse shouldn't have even been able to lift a finger. He is so strong that he is even able to intimidate Zaruchim, which was the reason for the mamodo's long-standing grudge against him. He combines his fighting style with Riya's powerful spells which makes the both of them quite hard to beat. Riya looks up to Aleshie immensely after seeing Aleshie protect his village over and over again. He sought to protect Aleshie like Aleshie did and fulfilled his wish by defending him from Zaruchim's ultimate spell, though his book got burnt in the process. Though it was not revealed how he found Aleshie and why he did so, it is shown in one of the covers of the manga that Riya's first meeting with Aleshie was when Aleshie stopped a giant boulder from crushing a few children from his village. It can be speculated that after seeing Aleshie save the few kids from a giant boulder, Riya was inspired to protect others as well and chose Aleshie as his partner.


In Episode 131, Zatch is approached Riya and Alishie after being reunited by Umagon/Sunbeam, Tio/Megumi, Momon/Elle. Alishie startles the team and states that he is not an enemy. Alishie asks Zatch to make a decision, a choice between either saving Li-yen's life or let Faudo be resurrected and in the process Zatch's loved ones will all be annihilated by Faudo. Zatch struggles between such decision that even Tio intervenes. After careful deliberation Zatch comes to the conclusion that he cannot chose one over the other and will it make it his mission to save both the world wreaking havoc from Faudo resurrection and also saving Li-yen's life from the curse that was put on her. Alishie states that Zatch has passed the test and he admits that he was actually looking for an ally like him.


Riya's spells cause him to transform his body parts to use for battle. Which proves useful as Aleshie is knowledgable enough to use it to its advantages. Their strength and limitless determination make them a very powerful and productive team.

The Horn-Growing Spell
Japanese Name: Garubanio (ガルバニオ)
Type(s): Attack/Transformation Episode: 133 Chapter: 202
Description: Riya's horn stretches to strike the enemy.
Known user(s):

Ganzu Niosen
The Body Laser Spell
Japanese Name: Ganzu Niosen (ガンズ・ニオセン)
Type(s): Attack Episode: 134 Chapter: 203
Description: Fires bullets of energy from the holes Riya's chest.
Known user(s):

Go Amuruk
The Arm Strengthing Spell
Japanese Name: Gou Amuruku (ゴウ・アムルク)
Type(s): Attack/Transformation Episode: 134 Chapter: 203
Description: Riya strengthens and extends his arm, so he can deliver a powerful punch.
Known user(s):

Raja Shirunio
The Body Shield Spell
Japanese Name: Rājia Shirunio (ラージア・シルニオ)
Type(s): Defense Episode: 134 Chapter: 203
Description: His body expands to act as a shield.
Known user(s):

The Stone Body Spell
Japanese Name: Nidoruku (ニドルク)
Type(s): Transformation Episode: 143 Chapter: 230
Description: Transforms into a stronger version of himself made of stone.
Known user(s):

Piku Garunio
The Energy Blade Spell
Japanese Name: Pikku Garunio (ピック・ガルニオ)
Type(s): Attack Episode: 143 Chapter: 227
Description: Fires a beam-like blade of energy from his arm.
Known user(s):

Go Niodoruk
The Large Body Spell
Japanese Name: Gou Niodoruku (ゴウ・ニオドルク)
Type(s): Attack/Transformation Episode: 143 Chapter: 228
Description: Stronger version of "Nidoruk".
Known user(s):

Garudoruk Nioruk
The Spinning Body Spell
Japanese Name: Garudoruku Nioruku (ガルドルク・ニオルク)
Type(s): Attack Episode: 142 Chapter: 210
Description: Riya spins toward the opponent and strikes them. It can also deflect an enemy's attack.
Known user(s):

Baldo Niosen
The Body Tube Spell
Japanese Name: Barudo Niosen (バルド・ニオセン)
Type(s): Attack Episode: 142 Chapter: 226
Description: Fires 4 tubes from his chest that shoot the enemy. Riya can control those tubes to crack and release beams to the enemy.
Known user(s):

Shao Neodoruk
The Large Beast Spell
Japanese Name: Shaou Niodoruku (シャオウ・ニオドルク)
Type(s): Attack Episode: 137 Chapter: 208
Description: Launches an enormous clawed creature made of his power, bearing similar physical features to Riya.
Known user(s):


  • When Riya prods somebody with his horn, it means he likes them. A running gag throughout the series is Riya prodding somebody in several untimely and inappropriate moments, such as when he wanted to praise Ponygon in the middle of their battle with Fango and Zaruchim and started prodding him despite having turned big after a transformation spell. He also prodded Aleshie's knee even though he was supporting a giant boulder from crushing two children.
  • Riya’s starting location in the human world was a country in Africa.