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Praying Mantis Joe: The Hero of Justice

Japanese title
Kanji 正義のヒーロー カマキリジョー
Rōmaji Seigi no Hiirō Kamakiri Jiō
Translation The Hero of Justice Kamakiri Joe
Season 1
Episode # 43
Arc Mamodo Battle
Chapter(s) 78, 79
Japanese airdate February 8, 2004
English airdate January 28, 2006
Episode guide
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Previous episode Coldhearted Foes
Next episode Invitation to a Duel

Praying Mantis Joe: The Hero of Justice is the forty third episode of the Zatch Bell!/Konjiki no Gash Bell!! anime.


Zatch asks Kiyo to take him to a Praying Mantis Joe show at the mall. Kiyo refuses and Zatch leaves to go watch it with Ponygon. Zatch meets Suzy Mizuno and the [teacher's wife, referred to as Wife, who are both also heading to the mall. Once there, Suzy and Wife realize the merchandise they wanted that was on sale was fake. After watching the Praying Mantis Joe show, Zatch notices that Suzy, Wife, Ponygon, and many kids were upset about the false merchandise being sold. He decides to ask Praying Mantis Joe to help with the merchandise problems. The actor of Praying Mantis Joe tells the kids he is unable to do anything and Zatch with the kids leave determined to face the store manager. The store manager calls his bodyguard to deal with the kids. At that moment, Praying Mantis Joe arrives and is severely beaten by the bodyguard. Wife then throws an unconscious Joe onto the bodyguard knocking him unconscious. The store manager is then forced to give the real merchandise to the customers.



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