Zatch Bell!
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Miss Wriggle's Class is Now in Session

Japanese title
Kanji 愛と青春のモンモン先生 清麿悲劇の惨敗
Rōmaji Ai to Seishun no Monmon-sensei Kiyomaro Higeki no Zanpai
Translation The Love of Youth of Monmon-sensei. Kiyomaro's Tragic Defeat
Season 02
Episode # 99
Arc N/A
Chapter(s) 163
Japanese airdate March 20, 2005
English airdate October 25, 2008
Episode guide
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Previous episode The Decisive Battle in the In-Between World!
Next episode The Bagpipes of Sadness!

Miss Wriggle's Class is Now in Session is the ninety ninth episode of Zatch Bell!/Konjiki no Gash Bell!! anime and the forty ninth episode of Season 2.


Kiyo after managing to lose Zatch and Ponygon goes to school. Once there, the teacher Touyama tries to give Kiyo a failing grade by asking him what is his cat's name. Kiyo manages to figure it out, but Touyama reveals he has a secret weapon. He introduces Miss Wriggle who shall teach the class poetry. Miss Wriggle asks the class to make a poem that expresses their love sickness. Suzy Mizuno does a poem on Kiyo, and everyone else does a poem about their favorite hobbies. Kiyo however was unable to make a poem to express his love sickness and fails. Everyone in the class becomes devastated believing it is the apocalypse. Touyama laughs happily as Kiyo receives his first failing grade, and Kiyo swears vengeance. They head home while Zatch and Ponygon are pursued by an angry Naomi.

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