The Mamodo World, referred to as Demon World or Demon Realm (魔界 Makai) in Japan, is the homeland of all mamodos (魔物 mamono, lit. "demons"). The Mamodo World can be seen as a world like Planet Earth, but with it's own habitats, life, and magical awareness. The Mamodo World was predominantly featured in Zatch Bell! 101st Devil but was briefly seen in the flashbacks of the anime and manga.
The Mamodo World is ruled by a single ruler, a King or Queen, though the ruler can also have a King or Queen by their side. The Mamodo King or Queen governs over the entire Mamodo World for a thousand years. A new King is announced every thousand years among one-hundred chosen mamodo children candidates.
The elementary school that Zatch Bell and his friend goes to, known as Demon World Elementary #7 (魔界第七小学校, Makai Dainana Shōgakkō, known as "Demon Realm Elementary #7" or "D.R.E. #7" in the Discotek Media translation), is on top of a huge plateau that can be seen over miles. The Principal of the school administers the thousand-year battles. Mamodos learn various things from regular school subjects to magic classes, teaching children how to use spells and other forms of magic, like telekinesis to move or manipulate objects with the mind.
Natural Life[]
While the Mamodo World is a magical place, it's natural life is somewhat similar to the Human World. Some life that appears in the Human World also appears in the Mamodo World, such as yellowtails and tamagoyaki that grows on trees.