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Forums: Index > Ask Zatch > Who is the character that gives Kiyomaro and Gash info on Faudo?

Before Kiyomaro and Gash and their allies go to find Faudo, there is a ghostly character that appears in Kiyomaro's bedroom and gives him more detail on Faudo.. Who is that character? Does anyone have info on him? Ryrybubz 03:22, March 26, 2012 (UTC)

That guy is actually a creation of Zeno's. Sometime after this, Zeno was shown plucking some hair from his head and throwing it, and it turns into another guy just like that. I don't remember exactly why he did this, but it's in the manga somewhere. I think it might have been to demonstrate to Zatch and Kiyo that it was him who made the creature in the first place. It's just one of those weird magical powers Zeno got from his training, like his teleportation.

Umaniac143 08:50, March 27, 2012 (UTC)

So thats only shown in the manga, not the anime? How irritating and random of them to do that. Thanks though! Ryrybubz 23:51, March 27, 2012 (UTC)
