Zatch Bell!

My Spell Book (the Cyan Spell Book)

I conjure a spell book, which has spells relating to Bees. My spells all have the word part “Bē” in it, as it’s a different spelling of Bee. Since I have to control the bees for the spells, most of the spells use the Prefix “Oru”, which means the spell is controllable by the user.

Spells I earned in Chronological Order:

1st Spell - Oru Bē (Oru (Controllable) + Bē (Bee))

I conjure/cast 100 bees, which I can control at will.

I control one bee at a time, or multiple bees in a group.

2nd Spell - Bēshirudo (Bē- (Bee) + -shirudo (Shield))

The bees conjured/casted form a circular-dome shield.

I must have casted Oru Bē before using this spell.

3rd Spell - Dorubē (Doru- (Drill) +Bē (Bees))

After casting this spell, the bees I’ve cared move to a location of my choice, to which they start spinning, and drill into whatever they want me to.

What they drill into could be anything. A wall, fabric, even humans. Their stinger can handle hard surfaces, but after a while of drilling, their stingers becomes only implanted into the material, and they soon will fade (die).

4th Spell - Gigano Oru Bē (Gigano (3rd Strongest Class Level) + Oru (Controllable) + Bē (Bee))

I conjure/cast 150 more bees, along to Oru Bē’s 100 bees already conjured (to a total of 250 bees) which I can also control at will. After a bee stings someone, the bee will die (fade away). I can also control one bee at a time, or in groups.

I must have casted Oru Bē before casting this spell.

5th Spell - Bērusen (Bē (Bee) + -ruses (Fired Projectile))

After casting this spell, the bees of my choice have their stinger detaches from their body at a fast speed, much like a bullet. After the stinger is detached from the body, the Bee fades away.

I must have casted (at least) Oru Bē to use this spell.

6th Spell - Dioga Oru Bē (Dioga (Second Strongest Spell Class) + Oru (Controllable) + Bē (Bee))

I conjure/cast 300 more bees, which brings the amount of bees I have is 500. I still can control individual bees, but it is harder, and just easier to control groups of Bees.

I must have casted Gigano Oru Bē before casting this spell, and cannot have casted Oru Borubē (or Dioga Borubē) before using this spell (or have used it and casted Gigano Bē again) and can only have casted the spell after I casted this spell.

7th Spell - Oru Bēbarusuruku (Oru (Controllable) + Bē (Bees) + -barusukruku (Monstrous Transformation))

All 500 bees (I must have casted Dioga Oru Bē before using this spell) come together, to which they transform into a large huge bee, to which could hurt packs of humans easily.

This bee can be controlled by me, but I only have semi-control of it.

8th Spell - Bēbao (Bē- (Bees) + -bao (Explosions))

After casting this spell, the group bees I have chosen implant their stingers in a target(s) of my choice.Then whenever I want, I can make the bee stingers in the the target(s) explode, causing a mini explosion in the targets’ arms. The explosions are very small, and don’t cause much pain. The explosions would be used for more of a distraction.

9th Spell - Shin Oru Bē (Shin (Top Class) + Oru (Controllable) + Bē (Bees))

After casting the spell, I conjure/cast 500 more bees, to make the number of bees I have is 1000 bees. The bees are very large for an insect, along with being very strong and having mighty wings.I can only control them in groups of 50 or more, but there are still more than enough bees to use for different tasks.

10th Spell - Dioga Bēshirudo (Dioga (2nd Strongest Spell Class) + Bē- (Bees) + -shirudo (Shield))

The bees form a doom-like shield around me.
