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Dr. Riddles' Renewed Vow

Japanese title
Kanji 我が心のキッド ナゾナゾ博士新たなる誓い
Rōmaji Waga Kokoro no Kido Nazonazo Hakase Aratanaru Chikai
Translation Kido of Our Heart. Dr. Nazonazo's Renewed Vow
Season 2
Episode # 92
Arc N/A
Chapter(s) Vol. 17 Bonus Side Story
Japanese airdate January 30, 2005
English airdate August 16, 2008
Episode guide
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Previous episode Naomi's Evil Plot
Next episode A Voice From Another World!

Dr. Riddles' Renewed Vow is the ninety second episode of Zatch Bell!/Konjiki no Gash Bell!! anime and the forty second episode of Season 2.


Zatch is making a new Vulcan 300 when Tia comes over. Elsewhere, Dr. Riddles is depressed over the loss of Kido. Kanchomé and Parco Folgore, while in America, decide to visit Dr. Riddles. Once there, The Majestic Twelve ask Folgore to help cheer up Dr. Riddles. Folgore plans to have Kanchome use "Poruku" and transform into Kido. Kanchome enters Dr. Riddles room and pretends to be Kido. Dr. Riddles notices that Kanchome is disguised as Kido and plays along. He speaks to Kanchome as if he is Kido and tells him the good times he had with Kido. He reminisces of the time he was recruiting people to help battle Zofis and his army of thousand-year Mamodos. Dr. Riddles is thankful for Folgore and Kanchome, and he tells Kanchome Kido has to return to the Mamodo world. The next day, Dr. Riddles meets up with Apollo to discuss a matter that involves the Human and the Mamodo world.

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