Akatsuki knows Zatch from the Mamodo World, and as the other mamodo, he reminds Zatch for being a weak one. When Kotoha, Zatch and Kiyo search for a mysterious cure for Kotoha's mother, they meet Akatsuki and soon they're defeated with Zatch's Zakeru.
Description: A few spikes appear on floor and soon they're shot in enemy's direction. They also can be controlled for Akatsuki to take any direction he want, making any shield useless.
The name Akatsuki is written in katakana (アカツキ), which has no special meaning. However, when written in kanji (暁, 暁月 or 緋月), it could possibly mean:
暁 - "dawn, daybreak".
暁月 - "dawn moon".
緋月 - "scarlet moon".
The surname Sakurada means "cherry blossom" (桜) (sakura) and "field, rice paddy" (田) (ta/da).
Akatsuki only appears in the movie "The Unlisted #101 Mamodo" but, in the photo reuniting all mamodos, Akatsuki is among them at left.
Sakurada resembles the man in the car that Hosokawa blocked off with an ice spell in episode 2 of the anime. Similar hairstyle (but shorter) and black sunglasses.